5 Goals I Want To Accomplish in 2020

5 goals I want to accomplish in 2020

For the past few years I haven’t listed any goals that I wanted to accomplish in the new year. I wanted to change that this year because it feel like it’s time for a change. So, here are my 5 goals I want to accomplish in 2020 I’m going to make this year work for me.

1.SCHEDULE. For 2020 I really need a schedule. For my blog, for my sleep, for my life, and for everything. I feel like I just bounced around all of 2019 trying to find my rhythm. As a result, I feel like I didn’t really great much done. I definitely think some things would have gone a lot smoother if I had had some kind of schedule for my day today.

2.BLOG. Starting my blog was one of the best things I did in 2019. So, of course, I plan to transform this blog into the beautiful butterfly that I know it is. In other words, I plan to throw it in overdrive this year. So, I have been using tools like Grammarly, to help improve my writing.

3.FAMILY. Family is very much important to me. This year I want to do better at seeing my family and being more involved. They are precious to me and I really want to be more present in their lives. For instance, I would love to travel to my home town more often. I want to work on the family that I came from and the family that I want to build.

4.SELF.  I really want to work more on me. In other words, I want and need to better myself. For many different reasons. Such as the ones listed in 3 Key Reasons to Take Care of Yourself I want to be a better me for myself, my blog, my family, and my life. Improving myself is the only way I am going to be able to tackle the 5 goals I want to accomplish in 2020. Therefore, I will be journaling more and getting rid of things that do not benefit me.

5.BUSINESS. I am definitely going to be all about business this year. For example, I would love to have an online store and sell merch and different things. In addition to running my blog.

In short, I plan to take this year by the collar and let it know that I mean business. 2019 really made me realize what I want and what I don’t. So, I am going to do my best at making 2020 work for me. What are your goals for the new year? What do you want from the new year? What’s your thought process?

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11 thoughts on “5 Goals I Want To Accomplish in 2020

  1. These are some great goals!!! I definitely should have making a schedule as part of my 2020 goals.

    Karen| thekcomponent.com

  2. My goals for the new year are to read more books, be responsible in handling my finances and blog more. Cheers to us and good luck with all of your goals! — Nicka (wanderwithnicka.com) ✨

  3. These are some great goals! I feel like mine are fairly similar.
    I completely agree with scheduling. 2019 was a year of bouncing around. Once I had a bit of a schedule at the end I felt way more put together.

    I hope you accomplish all your goals this year! Good luck!

  4. These are fantastic goals – best of luck with them all! I’m also focusing on figuring out a blog schedule – not just for what to post when but everything else that comes with it such as social media promotions etc.

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