Welcoming A New Year: How to Cleanse with Palo Santo

Welcoming A New Year: How to Cleanse with Palo Santo

Many different cultures worldwide engage in different cleansing rituals to purify their homes as the new year approaches. This is the bring in positivity and start anew. A popular tool in these rituals is palo santo. This scared wood is best known for its smell and uplifting properties. In Welcoming A New Year: How to Cleanse with Palo Santo, we will guide you in a simple yet powerful ritual using Palo Santo to assist you in creating a positive start for the upcoming year. For an affiliate to where you can purchase your palo santo, please click here.

  • Supplies.

What you’ll need.

  • Palo Santo
  • Heatproof dish
  • Lighter
  • Open your windows and/or doors to vent
  • Intentions

Take a moment to reflect on the intentions that you have for this brand-new year. Think of the energy that you want to bring in and what negativity you want to let go of. Being mindful of what you want and what you don’t will enhance how effective this cleanse is.

  • Windows & Doors

To properly ventilate your home, open your windows and doors. This allows the negativity to exist with the smoke.

  • Light Palo Santo

Using your lighter or a match light an end of your palo santo stick. Make sure your stick is lit then blow out the flame. It should start to produce a fragrant smoke.

  • Begin Cleansing

To cleanse your home start at the entrance of your home, then move clockwise through each of room. Hold your palo santo up and let the smoke flow through the air. Make sure you get your corners, closets, and anywhere stagnant energy may be.

  • Gratitude

As you cleanse away the negative cleaning, express gratitude for the positive things you already have and all the great things the new year will bring. The positive energy will amp up the power of the Palo Santo.

  • Focus

As you smudge your space, focus on the intentions you have for the new year. Imagine the positive changes you want to manifest and your home being full of positive energy.

  • Extinguish

Once you are done with your ritual, stub out your palo santo stick in your heatproof dish. The aroma of the cleaning stick will linger in the air and create a peaceful atmosphere.

  • Seal

To seal it all in close your windows and doors. Visualize your space being surrounded by a protective and uplifting energy guiding you through the new year.

Doing a cleansing ritual with palo santo is a great way to jump start the new year with positive energy. Welcoming A New Year: How to Cleanse with Palo Santo (click here), is the perfect guide to cleaning out the bad to be open to the new. Remember that your intentions for the ritual are just as important as the actual ritual. May blessing fill your home and the lives of every deserving person entering your space. Ase.

For more help with manifestations check out the last post, How to Manifest Your Desires: A Guide to Burning Bay Leaves.

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