3 Key Things Every Relationship Needs

3 key things every relationship needs

There are 3 key things every relationship needs. Things like love, respect and happiness. These three things can make or break your relationship. You can’t expect to be with someone and not have them. These three things are like the ingredients to making the Powerpuff girls. Minus the “Chemical X” of course.

LOVE. The first of the 3 key things that every relationship needs is “Love”. Love keeps you from doing things that could take this feeling out of your life. Usually! You are more likely to empathize and less likely to criticize. Love will make you put in a greater effort to make them smile.

RESPECT. As your relationship grows with your chosen one, respect should come naturally. It should show in the way that you talk and interact with your partner. You make decisions with the other person in mind and. Respect ensures that it is all about you two as a team and not just individuals.

HAPPINESS. What’s the point of doing anything if it does not make you happy? There really isn’t one. No one should have to live in misery. Happiness is a natural part of being with someone who loves and respects you. Resulting in everything falling into place. It all combines and swirls together like one big beautiful relationship cake. My relationship is a part of my family and that was one of the things I listed I would be working on in 5 Goals I Want To Accomplish in 2020.

These few key things are the basics of what it takes to make a relationship work. If you can manage these things you are on the right path and headed for greatness. Everyone deserves to have someone who they love, gives them respect, and makes them happy. Making your life together a beautiful thing worth waking up for. Do you believe in these three? Do you try make sure your relationships have this? What’s your thought process?

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13 thoughts on “3 Key Things Every Relationship Needs

  1. With valentines day coming up and the pressure this has on people to start relationships/ buy things to show love these are important to remember.

  2. This is so true! It’s almost a cycle that you keep working on to keep the relationship going. If respect fails then the fun with that individual may cease leading to a loss of love for them. They all definitely need to be present. Great post!

  3. Great post. In my meetings with people both in the workplace and out of the workplace one key factor I emphasize as an important enabler of every relationship is TRUST. I guess we can make it the fourth thing every relationship needs. Keep up the good work.

  4. I absolutely love this post. In fact, it’s the best thing I’ve read today! It sounds so simple yet so many people in relationships fall short of recognizing what they need to do to maintain a happy relationship.
    But then again, it takes two. One person can be trying their hardest to build the relationship while the other is frivolous and not mindful.
    Thanks so much for sharing.

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