Six Powerful Crystals for Attracting Love

In the quest for love, we often seek tools and techniques to enhance our chances of finding that special connection. While love may seem elusive at times, the energy of crystals has long been believed to aid in attracting love and fostering romantic relationships. Harnessing the power of these natural Continue Reading

4 Simple Ways to Reconnect with your Partner

Today’s world is busy. We’re all spending most of our time working because of how expensive it is to live. As a result, we’re spending less time with the ones we love most. Even with the chaos of the day to day it is important to show your partner you Continue Reading

Spiritual Lessons: Protect Your Energy

Learning to protect my energy has relaxed me. In spiritual lessons: protect your energy we will talk about how this has helped me. We are energy and that’s how we control the world around us. It’s how we make our lives unique to us and our needs. I feel like Continue Reading

What I’ve Learned on my Spiritual Journey Thus Far

What I’ve learned on my spiritual journey thus far is I’m a whole mess. However, I’m learning each and every day how to control and tame the craziness that is me. Though rituals and soul searching I have learned quite a bit about myself. Part of what I’ve learned on Continue Reading

3 Key Things Every Relationship Needs

There are 3 key things every relationship needs. Things like love, respect and happiness. These three things can make or break your relationship. You can’t expect to be with someone and not have them. These three things are like the ingredients to making the Powerpuff girls. Minus the “Chemical X” Continue Reading

The Significance of Respect and Boundaries

It takes a few key things in a relationship to make it long and strong. Two of those things are respect and boundaries. You both must have respect for each other. That respect combined with your love should help when things are getting out of hand and going too far. Continue Reading

Hidden Secrets are Obvious Problems

Relationships are nothing without trust. You are supposed to be able to look over to the person next you and know that you have nothing to worry about. Giving you feelings of security, consequently. With all the things to worry about on a day to day your relationship shouldn’t be Continue Reading

The Thought Process