Six Powerful Crystals for Attracting Love

In the quest for love, we often seek tools and techniques to enhance our chances of finding that special connection. While love may seem elusive at times, the energy of crystals has long been believed to aid in attracting love and fostering romantic relationships. Harnessing the power of these natural Continue Reading

4 Steps to Resolve Relationship Issues in Isolation

Being in isolation with others can get a little crowded sometimes. If you are isolated with a partner, I’m sure your patience has been tested. Though things are starting to reopen, a lot of us are still indoors. As the days inside add up it can start to get tense. Continue Reading

3 Ways the Pandemic Strengthens Relationships

The COVID-19 pandemic has had me housebound for about two months now. As I have mentioned in previous posts, a lot of that time has been spent with my significant other. Spending that much time together can either drive you crazy or strengthen your relationship. With some much uncertainty right Continue Reading

6 Ways to Date while Maintaining a Budget

Dating can be hard on its own. Then you have to add in the cost of going out with your partner. Especially, if you have someone who is high maintenance and expects to be picked up in a horse-drawn carriage. If you are dating one of those with not much Continue Reading

3 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

It’s not hard to tell when something doesn’t feel right. Maybe you are dealing with someone who showed you a different person in the beginning. This could make it hard to believe when they show their true colors. However, there are usually signs that you aren’t in a good situation. Continue Reading

The Thought Process