Three Effective Ways to Master the Digital 100 Envelope Challenge

Lately I have been seeing people do the 100-envelope challenge (click Here for an affiliate link to 100 envelope challenge book) and it is a great way to achieve financial goals. Traditionally, you would label 100 envelopes from 1- 100, then add in the amount of money in cash. Though Continue Reading

The Difference Between Being Cheap and Frugal

Nowadays people seem so quick to call you “cheap” when you would simply rather spend your money wisely. The cost of living is no joke. We all must do what we can to maintain a comfortable lifestyle and keep a decent savings account. There is no shame in that. You Continue Reading

6 Ways to Date while Maintaining a Budget

Dating can be hard on its own. Then you have to add in the cost of going out with your partner. Especially, if you have someone who is high maintenance and expects to be picked up in a horse-drawn carriage. If you are dating one of those with not much Continue Reading

The Thought Process