4 Steps to Resolve Relationship Issues in Isolation

4 Steps to Resolve Relationship Issues in Isolation

Being in isolation with others can get a little crowded sometimes. If you are isolated with a partner, I’m sure your patience has been tested. Though things are starting to reopen, a lot of us are still indoors. As the days inside add up it can start to get tense. Having disagreements is inevitable when you are spending a ton of time together. It doesn’t have to be all bad as long as you know how to problem-solve as a team. So, you can keep getting along here are 4 steps to resolve relationship issues in isolation.

1. Figure out the Problem. You can’t solve anything if you don’t know the root of the issue. So, you must figure out the problem before anything else. What started the disagreement? Think of the events that transpired just before getting into it and how you felt. Why did you feel this way? If you need to jot a few things down, do that. I do that sometimes because when I get overwhelmed with emotion, I tend to forget things I need to say. Plus, you need to be certain and specific as you go over things. Be sure to place the responsibility where it belongs. Don’t put it all on the other person simply because you are upset and not thinking straight.

2. Bring it to the Table.  Now that you have your thoughts together its time to bring it to the table. When approaching your partner be sure to not storm into the other room pointing the finger. Instead walk up to your partner, preferably while in a good mood, and let them know you would like to sit and chat. Upon hearing the context of the conversation, they are probably not going to be excited. However, if you approach your lover with respect and confidence all should be well. Check out my post on “The Significance of Respect and Boundaries”, to get a little bit more into their importance in your relationships. I say “confidence” because people respond to it. If you go in worried and scared that stress will rub off on them and negativity will be present from the start. That’s not what we want.

3. Sit and Chat. Sit down at your kitchen table over your favorite calming tea and start talking. If you don’t have a favorite calming tea I have a few to suggest, “4 staple worthy calming teas you should know“. Also check out my current fav, Bigelow: Lavender Chamomile Herbal Tea Plus Probiotics. When you start to talk make sure you’re direct. Don’t sugar coat and run around in circles. This is because you will never get the real issues solved this way. I had to learn that the hard way a couple of times. Say things like “when [blank] happened, I felt like [blank]. Be sure to ask “why?” You want to get an understanding of how they are thinking. You want to be open to their thoughts and feelings if you expect the same. Both of you deserve to have your point of view heard.

4. Find a Solution. After you have a good conversation, it’s time to resolve the issue. Keep in mind that it isn’t you vs them. You’re a team and your resolution needs to reflect that. Make sure that it is clear and fair. It needs to be clear because you don’t want to revisit this situation. It should be fair so that no one feels cheated, the problem is really fixed, and you’ve both learned something from it. To be fair means that you both looked at yourselves and thought about the other person. That sounds like some good ingredients in the recipe for relationship longevity.

As I mentioned in a previous post, “3 ways the pandemic strengthens relationships” COVID-19 lockdown can make your relationship stronger. However, every day isn’t a good day. We don’t always agree and that’s okay. When you are willing to take the steps there is nothing you can’t do. In case you need a little help getting started try these 4 steps to resolve relationship issues in isolation. Are you still in isolation? Are you in a relationship while isolated? What’s your thought process?

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27 thoughts on “4 Steps to Resolve Relationship Issues in Isolation

  1. It’s so important to prioritise relationships at the moment. Being stuck inside with your SO can be challenging so it’s important to communicate. Great post!

  2. Good stuff!.. great read, relationships can be tough, prioritizing is a challenge as well as putting the work in. It’s not always easy making it work but this is really good advice, well written. Thanks for sharing

  3. So important to open up and communicate our problems! Awesome steps, thanks for sharing.

  4. I struggle with getting my husband to communicate effectively! He is someone who holds everything in until he can’t anymore and it can get kinda ugly sometimes (he is working in this and its getting much better though) Communication is so important in any relationship and these steps seem like a great way to communicate issues while avoiding a fight. thanks for sharing this!

  5. These are great tips! I have seen so many people commenting on the fact that they are expecting high divorce rates coming out of isolation, but no one seems to be talking about how to work through conflict that arises effectively. Even the most loving couples are going to come up against some issues when they are forced into a situation where they are together 24/7!

  6. Great post! My partner and I had to very recently sit down and discuss a few things. It really does help when there is a game plan set so you can actually discuss issues and NOT fight or aruge.

  7. This is so great. You should never bring the problem to the bed. Like you said, bring in to the table and solve it. Talk it out! Thanks. 😀

  8. Great post! My husband and I had some spats I guess you would call them during quarantine and thankfully we’re both very communicative and utilize these steps so I can vouch that these steps do work! Thank you for sharing!😊

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