What I’ve Learned on my Spiritual Journey Thus Far

What I've Learned on my Spiritual Journey Thus Far

What I’ve learned on my spiritual journey thus far is I’m a whole mess. However, I’m learning each and every day how to control and tame the craziness that is me. Though rituals and soul searching I have learned quite a bit about myself. Part of what I’ve learned on my spiritual journey is that I don’t have to be scared anymore. My spiritual beliefs have finally put me on the path I always needed. I am learning to unblock my chakras, balance my emotions, strengthen my relationship, protect and connect with myself and so much more.


Through my journey so far I have learned that I have several blocked chakras. The main one that I have been working on in my throat. In my life I have gone from being very out spoken to a very scared people pleaser. I had allowed the words and actions of people that were supposed close to affect me. Thinking that if people that are supposed to love and protect me don’t think anything of me than it must be true. Somehow I must deserve the abuse because nothing else made any sense. So working on my throat chakra has been extremely important to me. I am finally seeing and admitting different things about myself. I have started to express myself to my loved ones with out worrying so much about their response.


Working on my chakras has really allowed me to open up and connect with my partner in a way that I have always wanted. We have healthy boundaries established and talk about how things make us feel. Which hasn’t been easy for me to do so, I’m excited to have that connection with someone. It makes me feel loved that he’s willing to listen to what I have to say and work on the issue. As my heart and crown chakras open I have been able to be less emotional and calmer when admitting wrongs. The peace and love in my relationship has really opened my third eye. As I work on myself and relationship I can see an amazing future for myself and family.


In my past, I have often time felt as if I had to fend for myself yet I had no idea how and no one to teach me. With spiritual practices I have learned to protect myself like my ancestors did by using roots, herbs, and rituals. This has made me feel more connected to myself and my people. Taking the time the study how my people survived during slavery has been emotional and so fulfilling. The peace that it has brought me has really helped to open up my root chakra. I feel safer as I navigate my way through this dangerous world. 

Though I have so far to go, starting this journey has really changed my life for the better. I have only just started learning and opening my chakras and I’m still dealing with being anxiety sometimes. However, now I have tools to combat that. I am learning who I am and no longer feel like a helpless little girl. I truly feel like I am becoming the woman I want to be. I’ve been able to make peace with more of my past and do a lot less dwelling on things I can’t change. There is a great amount of excitement about my future and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Are you on a spiritual journey? What have you learned? What’s your thought process?

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13 thoughts on “What I’ve Learned on my Spiritual Journey Thus Far

  1. I love this. I’ve been thinking a lot about roots lately too – how we each have this whole deep network of personal and cultural history, but many of us aren’t consciously aware of it. The way you describe connecting with your ancestors sounds really empowering. Thank you for sharing your journey!

    1. Thank you!!! Connecting with my ancestors has really changed my life for the better. It’s as if there is a whole team behind you that you can’t touch.

  2. i love how authentic & real this post is. there were so many points you made that made me think, “yes – this is so true.” thanks for sharing your spiritual journey and the realizations you’ve made.

  3. The first sentence is a whole mood that I identify with on every level! Thank you for being this open about your journey because I am on one too and it felt like I shouldn’t be a whole mess. I appreciate you sharing this as it’s encouraged me to keep going; it was the dose of realness I needed! I wish you continued joy, love and support as you continue on.

  4. Thank you for sharing what you’ve learned in your spiritual journey and the things you’ve come to realize about yourself. I too always feel like I have to fend for myself, and I really don’t know how to.

    1. Neither do I! I have had to really learn to trust in myself in order to push through and get things done. My journey has taught me that we are energy so try to keep it positive and everything will follow. That’s been one of the hardest things to do and I’m still getting the hang of it!!!

  5. That first line is a mouthful! This was really great. I want to work more on my chakras. I want to explore learning which chakras are blocked and working on them. Thanks for this wonderful read

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