3 Ways the Pandemic Strengthens Relationships

The COVID-19 pandemic has had me housebound for about two months now. As I have mentioned in previous posts, a lot of that time has been spent with my significant other. Spending that much time together can either drive you crazy or strengthen your relationship. With some much uncertainty right Continue Reading

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Most Valuable Relationship

The most important relationship in the world is the one you have with yourself. Think about it. You are the only person that you truly know your entire existence. Sometimes in life we start to focus more on everything else and less on ourselves. Our relationships, our work, our lives, Continue Reading

Crying: Is it a Sign of Weakness?

Have you ever heard someone say “I’m strong! I never cry!” When people say things like that my response is usually “strong people do cry.” Some people think that tears equal weakness. They don’t! To be able to cry and keep it moving is a sign of a very strong Continue Reading

The Thought Process