5 Ways to Save on Your College Books

5 Ways to Save on Your College Books

College can be expensive. We call to know this. There is tuition, housing, food, and of course books. Books for your college courses can run you a hefty price. I’m talking a few hundred for one book. A book that you probably won’t crack open at any point for the class. However, you shouldn’t be nervous. Let me slide a few tips your way so you can start saving to pay back those loans. Here are 5 ways to save on your college books.

Rent. Just like you can rent a car or a house, you can rent a book. Why buy the book when you can rent it, take notes, and make some copies. You can rent from Amazon or even the library at your school if they have that option. I’m sure if you do a little googling you can find a site to rent and save.

Amazon. We are all familiar with Amazon. A site where you can find a little bit of everything. Not only can you rent from this site, but you can usually find a discounted copy of the book you need. Before buying your books, see what Amazon has to offer you.

 Library. If you are living with others, need a quiet place, and the book for your class, the library might just be your best friend. Since quiet is a rule, you don’t have to worry about any interruptions. As you search in silence, I’m sure you will be able to find the book with the information you need. You can read, take notes, take pictures, copy and/or scan, to take the information with you.

Borrow/Trade. If you know someone who has the book you need, see if they will let you borrow it. Some people may have gotten it for free or discounted, so they may not mind letting you borrow it. You could also trade. You might run into someone that needs something you have. If so you could trade something of yours for their textbook.

Give-Aways. There are some generous people out there that give away their books upon graduating. These people know that they will probably never use these books again. Instead of selling them, they give to other scholars in need.

College can be expensive, but there are ways to cut the cost. There are many ways to make the grade without spending your food money. I hope these 5 ways to save on your college books help you stash a little cash. It won’t long before your school loans start asking for it back. How do you save on books? Do you use these same tips? What’s your thought process?

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