3 Ways to Spot an Emotional Guessing Game

3 Ways to Spot an Emotional Guessing Game

I hate wondering how someone important to me feels about me. I absolutely can not stand it. I’m not saying that I need you to tell me that I’m special every second, but a sweet little reminder is always nice. I nice gesture, some kind words, or anything that makes it obvious where someone stands with you is good. It keeps everyone on the same page and willing to do their part in the relationship. However, some people like to play games. Keeping you are arms reach, saying just enough so you won’t stray, and/or having funny phone behavior all lead you to wonder how they really feel about you. Here are 3 ways to spot an emotional guessing game. So, you can see the signs and save your time.

Arms Reach. Keeping a person far enough so they don’t get used to seeing them often but close enough, so you stay with them is all a part of the game. They always seem to only want to hang indoors and you’re never seen in public together. They don’t want to be seen with you or introduce you to anyone close to them. This is because they know they won’t keep you around for long and rather not go through the whole “what happens to what’s her name?” conversation when it’s over. When you question them as to why this is, they will usually have an excuse and deny the whole thing. They try to say that it’s not like that. This is due to them wanting to spend time alone with you instead of sharing you with others. Despicable!

Saying Just Enough. It is the warmest, sweetest feeling to hear kind words from your sweetheart. However, people can tell you want you wanna hear just to keep you in line. It is very possible for someone to be your sweetheart and you are not theirs’s. They’ll feed you just enough to keep you from complaining. They never give you much more than they have to. Some might call this “mysterious”, but really, it’s all a part of the game.

Funny Phone Behavior. In today’s world, this is a really big one. Everything, a person’s whole life is on their phone. So, phone behavior can tell you a lot. Someone playing the emotional guessing game will have to tell tale signs of sneakiness. Rather it is going to the bathroom or grabbing a snack from the kitchen, their phone will always be with them. They may text leaning slightly to the side or have their conversations in the driveway. Whatever the funny phone behavior might be, this typically the easiest sign to spot.

The emotional guessing game is not an activity that you want to participate in. There are no teams and it can feel like you against the world. It’s a sport that has no victor. Only broken hearts and bad karma. Unfortunately, so many of us get pulled into situations like this without realizing it right away. I can raise my hand to be an unwilling participant in the past. So, be aware of these 3 ways to spot an emotional guessing game. Have you played the game? What signs did you notice? What’s your thought process?

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2 thoughts on “3 Ways to Spot an Emotional Guessing Game

  1. These are some good notes. Being in an emotional guessing game is the worst. I for sure don’t play, and if I feel like I’m being played, it will not be tolerated. Good post!


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