How to Fix Your Mood with Color

Colors are a great way to express yourself. However, people sometimes forget how colors can affect your mood. Bright colors are great for perking up a mood since they tend to be cheerful and happy. Whereas dark colors, even though I love them, tend to give a feeling of being Continue Reading

4 Ways to Eliminate Negative Thoughts

It is hard to be positive 24/7 365. Everyone has a breaking point. Every day won’t be a great day and that’s okay. That’s just life, in short. Don’t let it defeat you. You must keep those negative thoughts at bay. The more you think negatively the more negativity you Continue Reading

3 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

It’s not hard to tell when something doesn’t feel right. Maybe you are dealing with someone who showed you a different person in the beginning. This could make it hard to believe when they show their true colors. However, there are usually signs that you aren’t in a good situation. Continue Reading

The Thought Process