4 Ways to Create Space During Isolation

For the most part we usually spend time away from our loved ones during the day. This gives us time to miss each other. Right now, most of us are spending time a lot of time at home. Instead of having that space put there by work, school, etc, we’re Continue Reading

3 Ways COVID-19 Affects Your Relationship

COVID-19 has changed a lot for us. We’re all adjusting to a new normal and spending a lot more time at home. That means a lot more family time. A lot more time for couples to reconnect. Being able to have more time together sounds amazing, but it can test Continue Reading

6 Shows and Movies for Quarantine

These days we are spending a lot more time at home than usual. With all this time indoors I am sure you are running out of things to do and watch. So, I’m here to suggest a few shows and movies that you might enjoy. You need something to take Continue Reading

Learning to Cope: The 5 Stages of Grief

When someone you love dies, there is nothing anyone can say or do to take that pain away. Most of us think that there is something that we could have done to make things different. Resulting in us questioning ourselves and/or God.  Unfortunately, death is a part of life. It’s Continue Reading

3 Key Things Every Relationship Needs

There are 3 key things every relationship needs. Things like love, respect and happiness. These three things can make or break your relationship. You can’t expect to be with someone and not have them. These three things are like the ingredients to making the Powerpuff girls. Minus the “Chemical X” Continue Reading

3 Key Reasons to Take Care of Yourself

You should never feel guilty about taking care of yourself and putting yourself first sometimes. I mean why should you?! A lot of times we feel selfish to worry about ourselves. I know I do. I feel like I should be more concerned with family, work, that’s it, for example. Continue Reading

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Most Valuable Relationship

The most important relationship in the world is the one you have with yourself. Think about it. You are the only person that you truly know your entire existence. Sometimes in life we start to focus more on everything else and less on ourselves. Our relationships, our work, our lives, Continue Reading

The Significance of Respect and Boundaries

It takes a few key things in a relationship to make it long and strong. Two of those things are respect and boundaries. You both must have respect for each other. That respect combined with your love should help when things are getting out of hand and going too far. Continue Reading

6 Medicinal Teas You Should Know

I love tea. As a result, I am writing this post to talk about some you should know. There are so many great ones to choose from. Today, I am going to talk to you about six medicinal teas. Teas that can help aid your body, so that it can Continue Reading

The Thought Process